• Walking the Dog, Picnics, Hiking, Bird Watching, Bubble Watching and enjoying the 800 acres of the park - FREE!
  • Fishing (with proper Ohio license.) - FREE!
  • Scuba Diving - $30 per person per day
  • Swimming at the beach: ages 3- 12- Please See Lovemyparks.com
  • Swimming at the beach ages 13 and up- Please See Lovemyparks.com


  • Air Fill - $10 per cylinder
  • Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN36)- $15 per cylinder (Cylinder must have markings indicating it is a mixed Gas)
  • Pop, Water, Sport Drinks, snacks and candy available
  • Scuba Accessories and those-things-most-often-lost-or forgotten available
  • WiFi available in the concession Area
  • Rentals are available
  • Trimix, Argon, and Oxygen fills are available with the proper certification 


PLEASE NOTE: Gear rentals are only available during the hours that the scuba concession is open. All gear must be returned by the closing of the scuba concession. Gear may not be rented two hours before the closing time of the scuba concession.

  • Air Cylinder - $25 per day
  • Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN36)- $35 Per Day
  • Weight Belt and Weights - $10 per day
  • Buoyancy Compensation Device - $25
  • Regulator with 3/Gauge Console - $40
  • Regulator with Computer - $40
  • 7mm Wetsuit - $20 per day
  • Bibbed Hood - $5 per day
  • Gloves - $5 per day
  • Boots - $10 per day
  • Mask and/or Snorkel - $5 per day
  • Fins - $10 per day
  • Rentals are first come/ First Served - No Reservations available
  • Rent a complete system including Tank, Regulator, BCD, Wetsuit and Weights and your rental includes free fills for the day of rental. - $125


  • Vstit www.lovemyparks.com for updated information
  • For information on Camping and Pavillion Reservations contact the Sandusky County Parks Office at 419.334.4495